Recent incidents involving illegal aliens attempting to breach U.S. military bases have raised concerns among experts who believe these actions could be “dry runs” for more serious attacks in the future. Earlier this month, two Jordanian nationals illegally in the country were apprehended while trying to enter Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia.
Dave Katz, a former federal firearms instructor at Quantico, warned that the incident might have been a “feasibility study” for a future attack. “Driving the box truck was a dry run for driving a box truck that was not going to be empty the second time,” he told Fox News Digital.
The Quantico incident is just one of several recent breaches at military installations involving foreign nationals. In a separate event on May 3, a shooting occurred near the residence of a U.S. Army Special Forces soldier in Carthage, North Carolina, after a suspected trespasser was found taking photographs of the soldier’s children.
The trespasser, identified as Ramzan Daraev, a Chechen from Chicago, was shot several times during an altercation. A second Chechen man was questioned and released by authorities. The incident has raised questions about the motives behind these suspicious activities near military personnel and their families.
As the Biden administration faces criticism for its border policies, experts warn that these incidents highlight the potential for terrorist attacks originating from individuals who have crossed the border illegally. Todd Bensman, a senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, believes the Quantico incident could mark the “first-ever border-crossing terror attack” if a terrorism motivation is confirmed.