Court Rules Against Children Opting Out Of LGBT Indoctrination

Parental rights suffered a heartbreaking but predictable defeat on Thursday when a district court ruled against a coalition of Muslim and Christian parents in Montgomery County, Maryland.

The outraged parents objected to plans by the school system to instill LGBT propaganda in classrooms beginning with the Aug. 28 opening day. They were initially permitted to opt their children out of the teachings, but the district reversed course in March.

Parents found an ally in the Becket non-profit law firm and filed suit against the Montgomery County district. They rightly charged that the new policy infringed on their freedom to freely raise their children according to their family’s religious beliefs.

Unfortunately, the court found otherwise.

The ruling stated that “because the plaintiffs have not established any of their claims is likely to succeed on the merits, the Court need not address the remaining preliminary injunction factors.”

The decision added that the plaintiffs’ constitutional rights are not likely to be violated, throwing cold water on the freedom of religion argument. Therefore, Montgomery County schools will be able to instruct in gay “pride,” transitioning and pronouns without parental input.

Parents filed for the preliminary injunction on Aug. 9. They sought the ability to opt their children out of English classes that plan to feature certain books containing LGBT indoctrination.

Some of the books pushed by the system include “Pride Puppy” which is aimed at preschoolers. Another is “Uncle Bobby’s Wedding,” which targets kindergarten through fifth grade.

Eric Baxter is an attorney for the parents resisting the indoctrination of their children. He insisted that the group seeks the opt-out ability “to represent the rights of parents to protect their religious training and upbringings of their children.”

Baxter asserted these concerned parents “want to be able to be in control of what our children are learning in school.” Now, they feel as though their rights over their children’s education are being stripped away.

The Becket law firm issued a statement Thursday. “The School Board should let kids be kids and let parents decide how and when to best educate their own children consistent with their religious beliefs.”