Republican Nation is a publication and movement devoted to upholding traditional values in journalism. We employ a fact-backed analysis policy before providing recommendations and analysis to our readership. We firmly believe in removing all forms of bias from the media, and focus on news targeted at patriotic Americans on our site.
Here at Republican Nation, you’ll find posts centered on global and national news that affects every American and every small town. You’ll also see posts related to issues of personal freedoms and liberties, such as the freedom to worship as you choose, the right to gun ownership, and the right to life. If you’re concerned with government overspending and overreach as well as border control issues, you’ll find informed coverage of those topics here as well.
What Republican Nation Publishes
Republican Nation publishes content germane to the traditional American voter. If you’re concerned about the erosion of your personal freedoms and rights, Republican Nation is for you. If you’re worried about loose security at the border, the rights of the unborn, and the rights to bear arms and speak and worship freely, you might be part of the Republican Nation Strong readership and movement.
Regular National Spotlights
National Spotlights are Republican Nation’s posts on important views for faithful Americans. We summarize the news of the day to make it easier for our readers to stay informed and Republican Nation strong! We know you’re hard at work caring for your family and participating in your community, possibly in addition to a full-time job. We make it easy and accessible for our readers to get updated news features frequently in National Spotlights.
Up-to-Date Republican Views
Proudly free of any form of bias, Republican Views offers more in-depth analysis about hot-button issues and concerns central to the American voter. As things change in the Republican party and as we adapt to strategize against liberals in Congress and in state elections, Republican Views centers the patriotic viewpoint through fact-backed analysis.