Pelosi: Americans Don’t Understand Bidenomics’ Success Because Biden Hasn’t Told Them

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claimed in a recent interview that President Joe Biden’s economic plan has been working, but the American people don’t know that because Biden hasn’t told them.

The former Speaker of the House made the comments during an interview with Dana Bash on CNN’s “State of the Union” over the weekend.

While Americans are still struggling with inflation and other economic woes, the Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media have cherry-picked a series of economic metrics that appear to be positive news for the Biden administration. Bash rattled off these statistics during the interview, asking Pelosi why the supposedly good economic news does not reflect in the polls.

“Well, a lot of it’s about messaging, of course,” the California congresswoman responded. “I’m so proud of this president. In the two years that we were in the majority working with him, he broke all records, on the level with a Lyndon Johnson or a Franklin Roosevelt, in terms of the caliber of legislation that he passed for the good of the people, lowering prescription drugs, again, cutting in half – as you indicate, cutting in half unemployment.”

Pelosi went on to argue that the supposed successes of Biden’s economic policies have “to be messaged” for Americans to understand it, despite the fact that their experiences do not reflect the messaging from the Biden administration.

“This president did such a remarkable job,” she claimed. “He is a person of such knowledge, such vision for the country, such knowledge of the issues, such strategic thinking, and such a legislator, and, on top of it all, a person who connects with the American people.”

“He just has to get out there,” Pelosi added. “It’s a busy job being president. I can say that as being speaker. You’re doing your work. But he’s just going to have to make sure the American people know at that kitchen table what this means to them, in terms of jobs and pay, reducing inflation.”

Despite Pelosi’s claims about the lack of “messaging,” the Biden administration has been desperately trying to signal to the American people that the president’s economic policies are successful. However, the people don’t seem to be buying it — as they have added “Community Notes” to several tweets from Biden’s official Twitter account disputing his claims.

In one tweet, Biden claimed that “real wages” for Americans were higher now than before the pandemic. The “Community Note” attached to that tweet added more context that contradicted his claims.

“The tweet’s claim about real wages contains a factual error. On 3/15/20 when US COVID lockdowns began real wages adjusted for inflation (AFI) were $11.15. As of 7/16/23 real wages AFI are $11.05. Real wages AFI remain lower (not higher) than before the pandemic,” the note read.